Crouching Dragon, Hidden Tiger! Yeah. Well, anyway, this is apparently the forest they filmed it in.

After driving up and up a winding road (we estimate we're at about 4,000 feet) we see these stairs and decide to stop and have a look-see.

Looking down toward the the car - forest and rows of tea bushes.

We continue on, meandering through the forest. Guy shaking a bamboo tree. Yue Li tells us to "listen to it's voice, its so pretty."

Here we pop out of the forest into hills of tea groves. (plantations? farms?)

and happen onto this magical little lake and pagoda.

It is a new experience for me to be surrounded by nature that has been civilized for hundreds of years or more. We don't see one other person here, and yet evidence of husbandry is everywhere. Even the lake is stocked with fish.

Sky and Guy take a stroll while Yue Li feeds the baby in the pagoda. We loved this adventure. So peaceful after the city.
I think they are called tea plantations. I agree with Yue Li - bamboo has a beautiful voice. It's why I always like to have it in the garden. That, and the way it filters the light.