Skyler rents a car and we head out of the city, making several stops on the way. Here, Guy wants to explore one of many caves we see in the mountain-sides. Sky explains that during WWII Chong Ching was the world's most bombed city by the Japanese. In order to escape, the people hid in these caves surrounding in the mountains surrounding the city.

Here we stop for a noodle lunch, and next door is a...

dry-cleaners! Haha. The people there freak out when we come in to inspect it, even after Sky explains why we are interested. They hide in the back while I take pictures. This town we are in is even less used to foreigners than Chong Ching.

We choose a hotel situated in the middle of the bamboo forest. Yue Li and Skyler are excited to sleep a night away from the noise of the city. I wake up in the middle of the night and look out our window to a fairy land of soft rain and mist drifting through the bamboo. I feel blessed.
dry cleaners! very cool! interesting tagging system, is that a renzacci? :) we wonder if the garments are on a conveyer? jeff couldn't tell either ... the pressing honestly looks flawless!