Monday, May 11, 2009

Thanks everyone for being part of this blog. I had so much fun sharing with you all, I looked forward to adding to it and seeing your comments every day. When I took photos and asked questions it was often with you in mind, thinking, oh, they'll enjoy this - I know I am.

I'm back state-side, our return trip was easy and uneventful. Trev and Kari and Dylan met us at LAX and took us out to dinner to help fill in the 4 hour lay-over I had before the hop to Phoenix. They took us to In-and Out, a move inspired by their many trips out of the country and consequent understanding that there is nothing like an American hamburger anywhere but here in the good old USA.

It was right under the touch down pad for the jets too, and we sat outside so both Dylan and Guy could be entertained while we ate. Guy stayed the night in Santa Monica and drove over this morning, while I caught a flight and got back just before midnight.

Leeannette and Haven greeted me this morning with joyous hugs and kisses and Jerome and Olivia left roses in our room. Amazing homecoming. Olivia was busy while I was gone cleaning our carpet and making our "nest" as Guy and I call it, beautiful. When Leeannette saw the room this morning with my suitcases flung open and dirty clothes on the floor she creased her little eyebrows and addressed me with a stern look.

"Mommy cleaned your room once. She's not going to do it again, you know." Haha.

We were sad to leave Sky and Yue Li and little Star Star, but two things console us. One, we know now they are not so far away and the trip is easy and pleasant so we will be back. And two, there's no doubt in our minds that little Star Star will be fine for awhile without us. :) Sky and Yue Li are excellent parents, and baby Star is surrounded by people who adore her. Her far away relatives here, and the ones who never put her down in China.

Check out these photos. None of the ones where she is being held are posed. It's just every time I turned around someone was cuddling her. They literally fight to hold her, and Yue Li often has to say no, because she's nursing or the baby is sleeping and she doesn't want her to wake up. Honestly, they line up to wait their turns. Now that's a loved baby.

1 comment:

  1. Hi ...though I'm glad you home safe, I have a bit of sadness knowing 'our' trip is over. I looked forward to each and every story and picture and I thank you for including me into your family as I felt like I was sitting right there with you and each journey became more exciting then the next.

    I'm glad Guy finally had chicken feet so I wouldn't be disappointed in his usual zest for trying new things...I'm glad I didn't have to have blood soup and I'm very happy that each day brought you so much joy and I know YuLie knows how fortunate she is that her husband got his good qualities from such good examples of family.

    Maggie, very very nice blogging you do!!!

